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Coastal Canvas blog

Our family of four moved to Asturias, Spain in 2018 to try to follow our dreams of a more rural, sustainable lifestyle.


We (Magdalena and Tom) swapped from living as strung out international IT contractor with trailing family, to making a living with both of us working from home selling my abstract paintings. This blog is intended to give some insight into our lives; how we manage the garden, living in Spain, our favourite walks and recipes, thoughts and personal insights into the art world, and cats... probably lots of cats. We're basically a middle-aged family with teenage kids trying to muddle our way through life.


We're still learning how to survive here and make our little oasis in a rapidly changing world and this blog is all about our journey.


We hope you find it both entertaining and useful and would love to find out what you'd like to hear about from us.


Please also visit our Coastal Canvas YouTube channel... it's the same idea but in a different format :) 

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